Free dating personals, men from New Zealand
Discover New Zealand free dating personals with MeetingLand: free join, free search and free correspondence with other personals of the dating site. Men.
All love is sweet
| 33 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'4.2" |
| 133 lb |
| Black | |
Feel free to say hi Looking for: Anyone who is nice. And
just needs someone to talk to or hang out with
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age
| 32 |
| Aries |
| 5'0.2" |
| 140 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: family success/have own business/ sometimes
i have strongest will have hope, but some times i down my self
because i don't know if i can do a great things or not, to be
honest i'm a qu... Looking for: i like simple girl?long
hair? just like her hair long up to her back? like that, 5'1 to 5'2
tall? kind,loving and caring.,. just stick to one, never l...
Alone heart
| 53 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'10.9" |
| 151 lb |
| Black | |
Im korean. My name is Kyungho and english name is James.
I was born in Seoul in 1970. I know im old enough -.-ㅋ
I've been living in Ne...
My friends describe me as funny, outgoing, friendly and caring
| 61 |
| Aquarius |
| 6'0" |
| 211 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: my kids 1st then family have a good and happy
life,be around for kids for a long time good sence of
hurmor,spending time with the kids,and family and friends,live long
and well,enjoy life to it time riding my horses and
jus... Looking for: somebody who will take me for who
iam,who does not mind if i kiss them or hold hand in public,some
body that when we are talking looks at you and list...