Looking for - kevinjones50501 from New York

Single Kevinjones50501 wants to date someone serious....

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At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet

 I'm: Man
 Country: USA
New York Region: New York
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Love, Serious relationship, Dating
 Marital status: Divorced
Boys: 9 (ages list)
 Wish children: May be
 Most important
  things in Life:
my family
 Life Dream: what to be with the woman of my dream
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
195 cm (6'4.8")
84 kg (186 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Shooting, Golf, Boating, Swimming
Forms of entertainments:
Hunting, Travelling, Fishing
Computer Games:
Action, Sports, Racing
Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Horror
Jazz, Blues, Country
Colour: blue
 My personality: I am kevin jones,i am 45yr old and divorced with i work as a contractor i live alone, I spend a lot of time at the ocean, my favorite place to be, I love spending quiet nights at home or going out for a nice dinner, I like the movies, concerts, reading, spending time with family and friends. The one thing I am going to do is take my time finding the right woman, I want her to be able to love openly, to be romantic, to be honest, sincere, caring, I want to be treated like I am the best thing that has ever walked into her life..money, objects, beautiful houses and cars are not important to me, I am not a shallow person, and I am not materialistic. I truly love the simple life
 Marriage match: I would love someone that is serious, confident, purposeful, persistent, smart, responsible, honest, , kind, flexible, elegant, sociable, communicative, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, romantic, considered, responsible,someone that still believes in true love, soulmates, Love the lord just as i do, walks, holding hands, and talking to each other,That special someone would be attractive, intelligent, s..y, romantic, affectionate, caring, funny, confident, and family oriented, LOVES KIDS.Sorry, but they're an important part of my life, and expect the person im with to accept that. Someone who will work at keeping the relationship alive. Want that feeling of looking forward to seeing eachother after work, and when were away from eachother, we cant wait to go home!
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05.04 07:41:44