Looking for a wife - Noname from Kazan

A single woman Noname is seeking marriage with a man of her dreams...

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Looking for a prince in shining armor!!!

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Russia
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Widowed
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
10 precepts
 Life Dream: To find freedom
 Spoken languages: Russian, English
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
172 cm (5'7.7")
52 kg (115 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
4-year College/University
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Swimming, Chess
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Singing, Concerts, Museums, TV, Walking
Computer Games:
Puzzle, Strategy
Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Tragedy, Horror
Metal, Rock, Rock-n-roll, Punk
Psychology, Reading, Collecting, Cooking, Philosophy
Dish: all
Colour: all
Season: all
 My personality: Hello! I live in Russia. My name is Elena. To me only 25, and can and already:-) I like extreme kinds of sports … to look!!! And in general I the man of moods! I can have fun hours, and then run into depression. But I give people only pleasure, my problems let will stay mine. I like to read, especially Russian classics! I think, that I am clever enough and beautiful. I have no any harmful habits and I adhere a healthy way of life. And I do not want to be the housewife in the house. I want to be to my husband and the friend who would substitute a shoulder in a difficult minute, and loving wife
 Marriage match: My ideal of the man that mind and force in him were combined that was sensitive and tender that with him it was interesting to be floating on waves of life! As he should aspires to one thing. What? To learn it will be possible at contact. And why to aspire? Because to reach it is impossible. Still I think, that «... Present the Man is always similar to a dragon: Should be able to incinerate fire of passion the Woman to preserve her against encroachments of strangers as the gold hidden in a cave accessible only to him and to care of the treasure! ».
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08.30 05:13:28