Dating personals free - mbcq from Toronto

A single man Mbcq is seeking a nice woman for marriage.

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Alone heart

 I'm: Man
 Country: Canada
Toronto Region: Ontario
 Seeking a: Woman
 Looking for: Marriage, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Divorced
Girls: 20 (ages list)
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
To get married
 Life Dream: To meet my life partner
 Spoken languages: English
 Written languages: English, Russian
Marc Barry
 Zodiac Sign:
160 cm (5'3")
60 kg (133 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
Caucasian (White)
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Football, Golf, Basketball, Health programs, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Dancing, Playing cards
Computer Games:
Adventure, Sports
Action, Documentary, Musical, Comedy
Jazz, Alternative
Gardening, Cars, Modeling/Wood cutting
Dish: Rice
 My personality: Below is a full description that defines me and my needs.I'm a single man in pursuit of meeting that special someone. Some of my interests are being outdoors , running, working out, movies and listening to various types of music. I'm always open to trying new things,I have wide range of interests that includes music; I enjoy various types of music, movies, hanging out with friends, computers, reading. Sports, I enjoy watching soccer, table tennis, handball, volleyball, squash, and tennis. I also enjoy simple stuff like walking, hiking and sitting at the beach with a good book,Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. I am opening minded and I believe in the good things of the world, very jovial and adventurous. In my world I believe that perfect happiness even in memory is not common, that is why happiness does not dwell on multitude of friends but just a worth of few. So you see why I need a special friend like you to cultivate with love and care so that you can be my friend and lover forever.I'm always curious about exploring new stuff and don't usually reject what's (foreign) or (new)I'm very romantic, easy going, funny and really appreciate the magical powers of laughing and making others laugh , but also know how and when to be serious, smart, loyal and trustworthy (as I'm told).
 Marriage match: What's right for one person may not be right for another. There are things that are important to me, that you don't care about at all!And sometimes your behavior doesn't make any sense to me.But I want for us to understand each other, and communicate well, I hope one day I could find that special someone with whom a LTR develops.I prefer any sort of woman who is sincere, reliable, honest, Adore a lady who knows how to hold a conversation.I have already had enough of those and of bad experiences,I prefer to get in touch with a perfect woman through emails or better through one of the IM programs, so if you're interested in getting in touch, it's better to send me your email/ID and we take it from there(chat, talk, get to know each other....etc).Any more questions? Just feel free to ask! I've got nothing to hide! And yes, I do have pictures; just ask for your copy.Thanks for browsing through my page
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08.30 02:01:11