Fitness singles - loveu4u4me from Lome

A single woman Loveu4u4me is seeking marriage with a man of her dreams...

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I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!

 I'm: Woman
 Country: Togo
 Seeking a: Man
 Looking for: Marriage, Friendship, Serious relationship
 Marital status: Never been married
 Wish children: Yes
 Most important
  things in Life:
tell u letter
 Life Dream: tell u letter
 Spoken languages: English, French
 Written languages: English
 Zodiac Sign:
157 cm (5'1.8")
45 kg (100 lb)
 Eyes colour:
 Ethnic Background:
High School/Secondary school
tell u letter
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink?
Fitness, Swimming, Tennis
Forms of entertainments:
Reading, Shopping, Singing, Dancing, Travelling, Fishing
Computer Games:
Don`t play
Documentary, Comedy
Reading, Cooking
Dish: tell u letter
Colour: tell u letter
Season: tell u letter
 My personality: Am a girl of 27 year old a student am fair in complexion tall very preety am a girl of intergrity i dont cheat and i dont like my partner to cheat on me cos i know what it take me before doing anything in life am intelligent and caring for the less previllage and i dont support evil in anyway, am kool and i have human feelings and sence of undestanding i dont make trouble i like playing music going to recreation to meet new people. i like knowing new people am loving, caring and some time am shy
 Marriage match: i will like some one who is respected fully in the society and have way of life he most not be a notorious any thing he do he most have a self confidence that one day he will make it in life he most dress well and must be man of intergrity, loving caring and have principle of life and he most have respect for the opposite s.. and he most not play cheat on his partner then the person will take me as his younger sister since am now alone he must be a good person that know what love is all about that will not take some one love for granted he most be up and doing and honest in everything does and believe that there is God colour of the skin is not my problem nor race or religious
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02.17 16:33:17