elinor joseph looking for a man
All love is sweet |
| 31 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5.4" |
| 166 lb |
| Brown | | Brown | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: peace and love i am easygoing and full
of humour
helena looking for a man
Be with me honest... |
Liudmilka looking for a man
I`ll become your BEST friend! |
Alina looking for a man
| 43 |
| Libra |
| 5'1.8" |
| 122 lb |
| Red | | Green | |
Open Profile
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I am a very sincere and faithful friend. I am always
tatiana looking for a man
Ìàðèíà looking for a man
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired |
| 48 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'5" |
| 128 lb |
| Chestnut | | Blue Gray | |
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Life Dream: Ëþáèòü è áûòü ëþáèìîé ß âåñåëûé ÷åëîâåê
ëþáëþ ïðèäóìûâàòü íåîáû÷íûå âåùè
trexie minao looking for a man
Be with me honest... |
| 57 |
| Libra |
| 5'0.2" |
| 122 lb |
| Black | | Black | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: forever harmony and happiness,... hi
hello?how are you my dear,i am trexie from iloilo ph...
lolo looking for a man
All love is sweet |
| 39 |
| Libra |
| 5'6.9" |
| 115 lb |
| Black | | Brown | |
Open Profile
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I'm from Israel , very quality girl, witty, good co...
Katarina looking for a man
Alone heart |
| 42 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'4.6" |
| 166 lb |
| Violet | | Blue | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: Find a person who will underst... I am
nice ,energetic person with a good sense of humor,...
natasha looking for a man
Be with me honest... |
| 38 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'2.6" |
| 137 lb |
| Chestnut | | Blue | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: advakatom stat ia natalia mne 21 god
jivy v israele 8 let preletela s ...
RAISA looking for a man
I hope to meet you!!! |
| 72 |
| Taurus |
| 5'4.6" |
| 155 lb |
| Chestnut | | Hazel | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOT TAKAYA-YA
åëåíà looking for a man
Love, and you will be loved |
| 38 |
| Taurus |
| 5'7.3" |
| 128 lb |
| Black | | Hazel | |
Open Profile
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ÿ ñòðîéíàÿ âûñîêàÿ ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ äåâóøêà êîòàðàÿ ëþáèò
Ëîðà looking for a man
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude! |
| 55 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'3" |
| 117 lb |
| Blond | | Gray | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: Íàéòè ëþáèìîãî ÷åëîâåêà è èìåò... Ëîðà
36-160-53 âäîâà åñòü äî÷ü. Æèâó â Èçðàèëå. Äîáð...
kristina looking for a man
| 38 |
| Leo |
| 5'3" |
| 120 lb |
| Brown | | Hazel | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: dobitsa vsego zadumannogo! budu rada
novoy drujbi!
Èííà looking for a man
I will present you a whole world, full of my Love and tenderness!!! |
| 51 |
| Taurus |
| 5'5.7" |
| 115 lb |
| Brown | | Blue | |
Open Profile
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Life Dream: Çàìå÷àòåëüíàÿ Èííà.Æèâó â
Èçðàèëå,ðàçâåäåíà,äåòåé íåò. Ëþáëþ ÷èòàòü, ...